Friday, November 02, 2007

being invisible

the best way to do good is to do it invisibly.

when you perform an act of kindness or helpfulness, don't broadcast it, advertise it or aggrandize it. don't put it on your resume or your curriculum vitae. don't expect thanks, appreciation, or food for your ego.

be an anonymous donor.

when you make your actions into a performance, you become enmeshed in the drama of the world, which is a trap that renders most of your actions fruitless. at best, they become half as helpful as they would have been, had you done them invisibly. putting on a show of your benevolence is like a dictator doing a photo op at an orphanage. everybody knows he's a phony, and trying to cover up his evil.

however, when you perform acts of kindness and decency without concern over whether you are seen doing them, you enter the invisible realm of the spirits of power that infuse nature, the dralas; it is the holy place at the heart of ordinary reality, where adversity can be embraced with graceful calm.

you will notice that doors will open. don't expect a wish-granting jewel to land in you lap - stand in the space of ordinary holiness with dignity. your power comes not from being better than anyone else - because you aren't - but rather, from having finally gotten out of your own way.


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