a ceiling of debt
i find this to be a frightening image - almost as frightening as that of the "glass ceiling" - it inspires vivid apparitions of suffocation, of being buried alive.
at least when one dies, one merely dissipates; but to be trapped forever like a specimen...
but how does an idea become a limit? by choice alone. therefore when we choose to reject an idea, we reject that limit.
there are many among the powerful who wish us to believe that it is generosity and kindness that makes us weak, limited, restricted, unfree; as they would have it, our only recourse to avoid a general loss of faith is to close our hands, and our hearts.
others among the powerful would have us believe the best option is to raise the ceiling - to extend the limit which only we have imposed in the first place.
i submit that the true answer is to reject the existence of a ceiling, floor, walls - to open our hearts to the proposition that living in gratitude is to live in a state of limitless space. in gratitude, debt isn't even forgiven, it's nonexistent. gratitude by nature shares.
that's the world i want to live in.
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