Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Law

everyone knows the Law, and nobody obeys it.

some say that the Law was written to bind the hands of the strong against the weak; others say that the Law was written to help the hands of the weak against the strong.

in truth, we know that neither of these is the true face of the Law.

the Law was written to bind and to help the heartsof the weak and the strong, and to teach them that they are One.

the Law is not in a book! neither can it be found there.

on the day that people live by the Law, struggle will cease.

we are like a child asleep beside a mighty river, dreaming a terrible nightmare of thirst.

who rules?

if there is a King, He is invisible.

if there is a Queen, no one knows Her name.


people are filled with passion and fervor by flags, uniforms, anthems, arms, all the ceremonious trappings of power and authority - symbols of a unity that is inherently false.

it is very much akin to the passion felt by a madman fornicating with a beast.


when all the world is lies, would we know the truth if we saw it?

kindness is the only truth. it cannot be disputed.


the things that we believe make us small, are in fact what make us great; the things that we believe make us great, actually make us small.


it's not riches themselves that are evil, so much as when i put myself above other people.


when hatred finally exhausts itself, all that remains is lonliness.


for a while i searched the tops of buildings for snipers, and flinched when planes flew overhead.

then something changed, and i realized that trusting the present moment is all the trust i need.

it's not that i'm never afraid. i'm just not afraid of the future any more.

deal with what you're afraid of now, rather than what you fear might happen. believe me, that's enough for anyone.


what we really wish is that nothing would ever happen.


fear is what causes us to hold on to our pain for dear life; and thus the original message that the pain was meant to transmit is lost.


who has truly felt love that has not instinctively trusted its wisdom?


mostly we have to unlearn what we think we know, before we can know anything of value.


we name things in a mystical effort to control them, when all it does is isolate, separate and remove us from them.

first thought

there is no greater wisdom than that which came before words, which cannot be told.